Saturday, June 8, 2013

First First Friday Experience - Las Vegas!!!

First of all, I am sorry for not updating for a while, because I have been so busy lately working two jobs and going to school full time. But this school quarter is going to end soon, so hopefully, I will create more and update more often.

Yesterday night after class, I went to First Friday at the Downtown of Las Vegas with Ted. That was my very first experience. The event is 5 pm to 11 pm, and it opens on the first Friday of every month. A lot of artist, musicians, dancers and food trucks are involved in the event, which it great if you love art and try explore new things.

It was really hard to find a free parking spot on the street, so we ended up paying $10 and park in the hotel. After we parked, we took a shuttle to the event. Even though we was there after 8:30pm, it weather was still burning hot. I was glad that I changed my outfit at school before I went.

There are lots of people at the event, but it wasn't packed. You can still move around fairly easy. Since it is my first experience, I didn't know there are products for sale, so i didn't bring a lot of cash. I was constantly tempted to buy vintage clothes, accessories, paintings, prints, sketch books, etc. A little portion of the booth take cards, but I didn't purchase anything because I want to explore everything first before I bankrupt myself.

The main reason why my and Ted go over there is because we want to get more involve in the creative industries and get inspirations. It was actually Ted second experience, and he said the event had more people than the first time he was there. This means more people know about it, which helps to grow the creative industries at Las Vegas. To be honest, before I don't like Las Vegas because I feel like this sin city is so negative, which people always concern about power and money. However, after I started to go to the Art Institute, I got more information about art and begin to look at Las Vegas from an art perspective.

After yesterday experience, I found that Downtown Las Vegas is so different than the strip, it is "real" without fake statues, fake Evil Tower, etc. At the Downtown, you will see the real lifestyle, people are dressed really casual and talk casually. There are also load of real graffiti on the wall. So when I was there at Downtown, I have more passion and free spirit to create. Therefore, we are going to the First Friday event next month again, to explore art and buy some creative merchandise.

 a vintage machine that play music. 

Here is my outfit

 Me and Ted met Autumn. Follow her on Instagram @itsautumnmae and her blog:

Thats our outfits

This called Sprinkler, which is lemonade with fresh fruit juice. It taste good because it is not too sweet. 

Some artist that I like during the event. The one on the let gave me a sticker, but I couldn't find it. ;( 

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