Monday, January 6, 2014


Hats: Forever 21 // Dress: Forever 21 // Boho Cardigan: Ross // Backpack: Jansport // Shoes: Joe Fresh // Watch: Vintage 

I have a thing for polka dots, not sure why, perhaps they are simple, young and sophisticated. I waited for the hat and dress for a month, I was so happy and surprised(as I forgot about my purchase) when I finally received them last week, I absolutely adore the cut out of the dress. The polka dots on the dress are actually metallic silver, instead of plain white, which is a plus. 

The past two days were busy, I was invited to attend seminars. I am trying to get back on track and focus more at school as well as graphic design. I have been taking down notes and lists all the tasks to be accomplished everyday, so everyday will be a productive day. 

I will be going to California on Wednesday with my hubby and friends, can't wait to be there! 

Thank you for reading! 


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