Sunday, January 12, 2014


Ombre Top: Blu Pepper \\ High Low Skirt: Vera Wang

On the 8th and 9th, me and my hubby went on a road trip to California with our friends, Amy and Fabian. It was short, but fun. We lived at Hollywood, which was a complete different experience compared to Las Vegas. In General, Las Vegas does not have a lot of natural plants and lives. You can only go to the strip or downtown to see unique architectures.  However, in Hollywood, or I should say in Los Angeles, blossoming plants are everywhere around you. There are also lots of unique graffiti on the wall. 

The most exciting part of the trip would be going to the Santa Monica Beach, it was my first time going to the beach in America. The second most unforgettable experience would be casting at The Ford Modeling Agency. I didn't plan to do it, I was just there for Amy; however, she encouraged me to do it, and I did it! It was pretty simple, all I did was completing a form and taking pictures. 

We went to a restaurant that sells organic burger. We ordered burgers as well as sweet potation fries. The desert, Vanilla ice cream with brownies was the best among all, we were so attracted to it and forgot to take pictures.  ;(

I hope I would be able to visit California more often. Thank you for reading.


Monday, January 6, 2014


Hats: Forever 21 // Dress: Forever 21 // Boho Cardigan: Ross // Backpack: Jansport // Shoes: Joe Fresh // Watch: Vintage 

I have a thing for polka dots, not sure why, perhaps they are simple, young and sophisticated. I waited for the hat and dress for a month, I was so happy and surprised(as I forgot about my purchase) when I finally received them last week, I absolutely adore the cut out of the dress. The polka dots on the dress are actually metallic silver, instead of plain white, which is a plus. 

The past two days were busy, I was invited to attend seminars. I am trying to get back on track and focus more at school as well as graphic design. I have been taking down notes and lists all the tasks to be accomplished everyday, so everyday will be a productive day. 

I will be going to California on Wednesday with my hubby and friends, can't wait to be there! 

Thank you for reading! 


Thursday, January 2, 2014


Jacket: TJ Maxx \\ Grey T-Shirt: Banana Republic \\ Plaid skirt: Ross \\ Shoes: Nine West \\ Bracelet: Coach \\ Rings: Charlotte Russe; H&M, Forever 21 

Me and my hubby was driving around Las Vegas to look for a place to take pictures, all in a sudden, we discovered an amazing park with pond. Having a nice park with pond in a desert feels really great. There are even gooses and fishes in the pond. However, it took us a little bit to find a place with shades to takes pictures.

I am glad that my hubby bought me a sewing machine, so that I could tailor the plaid skirt that I was wearing. It fitted like a glove after I added a zipper. I couldn't wait to wear it, so I created a monochromatic look. I love the details on the jacket that I got at TJ Max a while back. It has a luxurious look to it but the grey cotton sleeves make it casual. 

In order to add some color to the outfit, I wore my rose gold booties from Nine West, it is a wedges/booties, which instantly makes me look taller and slimmer.

I also have to thank you my best friend, Bobo for sending such beautiful fuchsia Coach leather bracelet for Christmas, it matches almost every outfit! 

Thank you for reading. I hope everyone will have a good start in 2014.


Tuesday, December 31, 2013


To kick off 2014, I am going to recreate this backpack! It is simply LOVE in FIRST SIGHT, but I don't have money for it. ;(

I came across this Chanel Backpack when I was reading Vogue January 2014, the punk rock details is so unique. It is from Karl Lagerfeld's spring collection. The accessories on the backpack seem random stuff that you can find under your bed; however, they were well put together. It is casual yet edgy. Instead of double C, maybe I can use KC for my initial. How's that? 

I can see all the fashionista wear this backpack. Will you?

Thank you for reading. 


Friday, December 27, 2013


Singer Sewing Machine (I found that it is $20 cheaper to buy it online than in store) 

I felt so blessed that my husband bought me a Singer sewing machine for Christmas. I received my first sewing machine from my aunt as a gift when I was in Hong Kong. I remembered I would sew everyday until one, it was simply an obsession. I sewed makeup bags, patchwork book cover, pencil bags, etc. My friends loved to receive them as gifts. I am glad that my high school in Hong Kong required students to take sewing class, if not, I would never know how to operate a sewing machine. 

After moving to US, I didn't buy a sewing because it wasn't a priority, but I missed sewing a lot. Receiving a sewing machine as a Christmas present is like Santa visiting my house. This is my best Christmas ever! 

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas with you friends and family. Thank you for reading. 
